Protecting Our Loved Ones

We Are a Nonprofit Focused on Elder Scam Prevention

Protecting Our Loved Ones

We Are a Nonprofit Focused on Elder Scam Prevention

Helping Ensure Financial Safety for the Elderly

Safeguarding Our Seniors is a nonprofit organization that aims to protect senior citizens from financial exploitation. With the rising number of scams that target them, we provide tools and resources to help seniors and their families combat this systemic problem.

The Problem

Older adults are all too often victims of scams and financial crimes. Millions of seniors are scammed by fraudsters every year, resulting in billions in annual losses of their hard-earned life savings.

Best Practices

There are ways to guard against elder financial exploitation. There are also resources available that offer help in situations where a senior citizen has already been scammed.

Real Life Stories

We have a protective instinct for elderly people and became passionate about alleviating the problem of elder financial abuse because a beloved family member was victimized by these crimes before she passed away. Since that time, we talked with countless others who shared stories of seniors they know who were also victimized by unethical sales practices and other scams. Through those conversations, we realized how many people share our passion for this cause. We hope you do too!

Be Part Of The Solution

Financial exploitation is especially devastating to the elderly for a variety of reasons. We hope you join our efforts in protecting senior citizens from these crimes.